Saturday, March 19, 2022

Operation Neon Tiger - episode 01


The Quetzal, a Corregidor transport corvette is being chased by PanO battleship Uluru. According to available intelligence the Nomad corvette is transporting Anton Koseacasomov, a weapon systems designer who betrayed Ariadna to work for Yu Jing. Fleeing from its chasers the Nomad spaceship lands on CB-22, one of Svalarheima's breadbasket-moons. To the surprise of the the Nomad crew, their passenger is actually a Shasvastii impersonator who is met by an extraction force tasked to remove it from the Nomads captivity. 
What happened to the true Anton and what is happening on CB-22...?

Missions and Lists

150 pts - Power Pack ITS Season 13 supplement -
๐Ÿœ Shasvastii Expeditionary Force Vs ๐Ÿ˜ผ Corregidor Jursdictional Command.

At small scale list building is a tricky exercise and to keep decent order count pieces above the 35 points mark are a no-go. In addition, the mission's weird deployment zones requires to split forces creating the need for two balanced independent teams including both heavy hitters and specialists. Some mid field control and infiltration option is also definitely a bonus as it makes it harder for the opponent to flip antennas and go for the console.


๐Ÿœ Shasvastii win initiative and opt to go first. They deploy the Nox core with Tensho FTO on the left and Jayth with a couple of camo tokens on the right.
๐Ÿ˜ผ Corregidor responds with 3 men core Mobile Brigada-Daktari-Alguacil HMG on one side and Jaguars-Evader haris on the other. Moran in the middle with Crazy Koala covering two antennas.

Turn 1

๐Ÿœ Shasvastii
Corregidor spends a command token to strip two orders from the opponent’s pool but the Mentor’s counterintelligence mitigates the damages.
Burning with desire to alpha strike the enemy the Noctifier is revealed and engages the HMG Alguacile. The saturation zone really nerfs the 3 men fireteam bonus and it would have been better to place the HMG in suppressive fire… anyways the Alguacil survives against all odds and only the speculative fire from the Nox GL manages to make him dive for cover.
The Noctifer then proceeds to also eliminate the Jaguar with panzerfaust.
Last couple of orders see the GL failing to destroy the Krazy Koala and a camo token being dropped by the Jayth.

๐Ÿ˜ผ Corregidor
First things first the Jaguar link is reformed and advances on the left to get better positioning while throwing a smoke grenade on the center antenna. The Moran proceeds to flip it and then deploys the second koala in range of the Notifier.
The HMG Alguacil then engages the Noctifier and gets shot down but the ARO triggers the perimeter weapon and down it goes.
Another command token to reform the Mobile Brigada link and she advances on the right followed closely by the Daktari. Last order coordinates suppression of Mobile Brigada, Evader and Daktari.

Turn 2

๐Ÿœ Shasvastii
The Nox fire team advances in the middle shooting one more grenade out of LoF but missing the target. Then the Jayth advances toward the closest Antenna and after a surprisingly inconsequential exchange of chain rifle shots with a Jaguar retreats in cover without closing the distance to engage in CC probably not confident enough to face the Evader in suppression.
The Tensho FTO moves in contact with the central antenna and flips it.

๐Ÿ˜ผ Corregidor
Former Neoterra Orc Trooper Philomena Perez overcharges the mobility systems of her battered power armor and nods to the Daktari before dashing towards the enemy console spraying the two Nox with her flamethrower and ending her  move in silhouette contact with the objective. The Shasvastii are eliminated but the brave nomad HI ends up isolated, her comms fried by a zapper ARO.
On the other side of the battlefield the Evader engages and kills the Jayth but eats a E/M mine in the process and is also isolated. It is up to the Daktari to advance and snipe the Tensho who did not roll less than 18 in all the dodge ARO opportunities it had to change facing.

Turn 3

๐Ÿœ Shasvastii
Two orders remaining to flip an Antenna with the Shrouded bringing the antenna situation 2-1 for the aliens.

๐Ÿ˜ผ Corregidor
Corregidor is in Loss of Lieutenant and options are limited. The Daktari moves in contact with the enemy console while the Moran fails to flip the antenna. The Jaguars are irrelevant at this point and the mission ends 6-2 for the Nomads who also secure the HVT.


๐Ÿœ Shasvastii
I am amazed by how the game changes by playing another sectorial and a smaller point scale: this game is truly awesome. My list was deliberately sub-optimal in an attempt to use only painted models and no proxies. Without those self-imposed restrictions I would have surely brought some Taigha creatures and a Speculo Killer but this is how things went.
My main mistakes were tactical: the worst being to win initiative and decide to go first, leaving the high ground to my opponent and consequently forcing me to immediately reveal the Noctifer. Secondly, I have been too cautious: on one side this played well with the Shrouded but kept the Jayth out of CC, turning it into an order waster. Lastly, not using command tokens shows how much I am used to rely on cubes and fireteams, rarely considering coordinated orders as viable options.

I'm so glad to have tested the acid house terrain kickstarted last summer: we assembled them quickly and I think they look marvelous, also in photo. Maybe they're a little too light for the high building density we went for this game but it's a high quality product and its coverage/price/space balance is close to perfection.

๐Ÿ˜ผ Corregidor
My list was also not really minmaxed but I feel it got the right balance and proper mix of punch and specialist toolbox. The Evader engineer with AP spitfire is really good and fun to play, if I had remembered he also has climbing plus it could have been even more relevant in the game. In the 150 points resource constrained ecosystem I also feel that a vanilla HI like the Mobile Brigada has the opportunity to shine. All in all a good game packed with crazy events and turns of the tide.


As soon as the firefight was over, Philomena instructed her crew to secure the perimeter and scan the ship. She did not like the idea of embryo-seeds hidden on the Quetzal.
-Scans are all negative- confirmed the engineer -the Shasvastii are gone.-
-And so is our passenger…- replied Philomena -This was supposed to be a standard transport operation, minimal security. Then that stupid PanO battleship started to chase us and we ended up ambushed by alien hostiles on a peripheral agri-moon. This is above my pay grade but I reckon somebody set us up.-
-Broadcast communication from the Uluru, they are in low orbit, apparently trying to reach everybody on the moon.- interrupted one of the Jaguars.
-Let’s hear what they have to say… Everybody ready for emergency take off. Full system check-up, including weapons. Give me a secure channel to the Jurisdictional Command.- Philomena put the helmet back on, the military drills from the time she served as an Orc trooper resurfaced to her consciousness. That was a long time ago, before all that mess on Acontecimento happened… but it did not matter now, she had been trained for this and was now calm and in control. She was committed to get her crew and her ship out of this mess in one piece.

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