As the landing shuttle was approaching the surface of Rodne, J. "Wimpy" Wellington turned on the team radio:
"The high wigs pulled many jackets in the O-12 commissions and in compensation of all Aleph's dodgy deeds we got permission to inspect that research facility no one did know about and that was checking data and running experiments in parallel to what was going on that mess of a space station lab. We are officially entitled to go in and recover as much data, information and material we can.
I cannot and do not want to understand what is going on here, I just want to get this done as effectively and efficiently as possible. Questions...?"
Unknown to VIRD High Command, TJC's operatives are also approaching the research facility to clean up all evidences and make it a... safe area 😉
Missions and lists
300 pts - Safe Area form ITS Season 12 supplement -
🕷 Tunguska Jursdictional Command Vs 🐬Varuna Immediate Reaction Division.
Two different although similar lists:
✅ defensive big links
✅ aggressive haris with specialist
✅ EVO hacker and mimetism -6 REMs
As differentiators Tunguska brought 2 Puppetbots FO and Combat Jump Raoul while Varuna a pair of midfield Zulus, an Echo-Bravo parachutist and some more SWC in the big team.

Tunguska wins the roll-off and decides to go first. Varuna deploys second on the side with the tallest building . The areas with the trees on top are played as difficult terrain (jungle) and saturation zones.
🕷 Tunguska places Core link on the right, Haris link in the middle and on the left EVO, Clockmaker and Puppetactica.
🐬Varuna goes for big link in the center (MSR and HRL both standing), Patsy Haris on the left and EVO-Bulleteer on the right.
Turn 1
🕷 Tunguska
The main threat are definitely those linked ARO pieces with LoS on a large portion of the battlefield. It's time for the Vostok to pay its cost back.
1 order for Assisted Fire, 1 order for White Noise, 1 order to position and the REM is ready to engage the Kamau HRL first and the Kamau MRS second. Dice roll in favor of the Vostok and both Kamaus are shot to pieces. The Haris can then advance and position ready to defend, the Stempler FO in contact with a Console.
Then the Puppetbots are sent forward to contend the Console in the Varuna's half of the table. In the process they also discover and kill on of the Zulus.
Last order to slightly reposition the big link and brace for impact waiting for the imminent Varuna's retaliation.
Despite the unlucky ARO rolls, still plenty of orders (8+5) available to fuel the action in the active turn. Bulleteer is also granted Marksmanship and one of the Puppetbots goes unconscious.
The Bulleteer's advance on the flank is now threatened by the Grenzer MSR which has the advantage of range and the Mimetism -6 malus evened out by the MSVL1 and big link bonus. Patsy's team then advances in total cover on the left until the Kamau peeks out to pepper the Grenzer with HMG shells. Dice roll and Tunguska wins the FtF, DA ammunition sending the LI trooper straight to dead.

Echo Bravo then shows up, LRL loaded. He peeks out of cover and engages the Vostok but once again Tunguska wins the FtF and the Dam. 16 Mk12 causes another casualty. The remaining Zulu also goes for a surprise shot on the Vostok but does not have better luck and after a couple of orders he is killed.
As ending moves the Bulleteer now opts for a cautious move to bypass the MSR threat and engages the Vostok through the saturation zone only achieving to remove one STR point from the REM.
The turn opens with Raoul jumping in wearing a fancy suit he borrowed from a Hellcat. A mimetism -6 NWI Natural born warrior specialist operative is supposed to be quite a headache for Varuna to deal with. He rolls a nice 10 for landing and proceeds to engage Patsy. On the way in he is critted by the Machinist combi rifle and fails both the armor saves! He'll be dead at the end of the order but can still bring Patsy with him. Raoul wins the CC with an 18 forcing Patsy to roll 3 ARM checks with his DA CC weapon but she laughs at him passing all three as he goes limb with a combi bullet in the back of the head.
Things are still looking ok for the Nomads. The Zondbot goes on an adventure and fixes both the Vostok and the Puppetbot. With burst and cover advantage, the Vostok then proceeds to disable the Bulleteer.
Finally the big link gets on the move, climbs down the building and places points in the quadrant. The Interventor goes in contact with the Console and the Securitate Paramedic breaks the link going in Suppression. A command token is spent to reform a 4 men link.
The best part of Turn 2 is spent by Patsy lobbing grenades on the Interventor. Statistics don't work and despite the large amount of coinflips (11s speculative fire vs 10s dodge) the Interventor ends up unharmed
Patsy also tries to exchange fire with the Securitate Paramedic in suppression but loses a wound.
Turn 3
🕷 Tunguska
The Vostok haris advances further to also contest the farthest quadrant shooting down the Machinist in the process.
The Interventor detaches from the link team and goes in contact with the console immobilizing Patsy in the process.
A new 4 men team is reformed without the Interventor and the Grenzer engages Patsy at short range. Patsy survives the first bursts, successfully resets and then the AP submachinegun rules over the MSR and the Grenzer is knocked unconscious.
The rest of the orders are spent repositioning and pushing points out of the deployment zone.
The order pool is now quite limited and Patsy walks back to remove the Interventor and get in silhouette contact with the Console.
Closing moves are played by a fusilier that peaks out from cover and fights the HRL Hollowman but no one hits and the game ends.
With more Zones and more Consoles it’s a Tunguska victory.
🕷 Tunguska
Everything worked out nicely and the units under test, Vostok and Puppetctica did really well. Dice did definitely smile to the Nomads so it has to be considered that not all that glitters is actually gold!
The game was quite biased by Tunguska spiking too many FtF rolls. The list is solid, balanced and fitting the mission. Should the game be played a hundred times victory would be PanO's at least 50% of the times 😉. Knowing the opponent was Nomads hackers and HI were kept at minimum, different variants of the list might include a crocman hacker and/or an Orc with feuerbach instead of the Kamau HRL.
The leds on the Stempler Zond dashboard blinked as it removed the data-link from the last Console chirping and beeping like an astromech droid in a XX century sci-fi movie.
Servers successfully formatted and all data permanently deleted. Kasia, freshly appointed Securitate Lieutenant of the operation, nodded and turned on her headset moving a lock of pink hair:
"Spider-puppy to spider-mom: the area is safe. Repeat: the area is safe. Back to the nest.".