Thursday, December 30, 2021
The Rise of the Novice: Episode 01
Friday, December 24, 2021
Operation Golden Ratio: episode 07 (season finale)
Time passed. Despite working effortlessly on the remains of Patroclus, Nomads technicians got nothing but a glimpse of Laocoön and its meaning. However, back on Concilium, heads rolled for what had happened on Space Station Donacimiento. Aleph went paranoid at the idea of further Laocoön anomalies now that Nomads had case zero and issued a full scale update program on all Aspects and recreations to limitate and ward off any inconvenience. The damage in terms of delays and subsequent litigations was considerable, especially adding the fine paid to Varuna for what was later dubbed "The Donacimiento Incident".
But after some time under apparently cold ashes, the flame of Project Laocoon started burning again. The OSS had been monitoring Batth'o Ubelin, the silk trader whose luxury ship's wreckage had been used by Tunguska as a base for infiltration on the Space Station. On his leisure world recreating the Old West, Ovestland, the attractions re-enacting Pat Garrett and his posse had started to malfunction, forcing extraordinary maintenance. The OSS figured out the malfunctioning was due to parts of Project Laocoön hidden into the attraction's software. Even if it meant to blow up Aleph's cover on Ovestland, the legacy of Project Laocoön had to be destroyed...
Wednesday, December 22, 2021
Getting into a new Infinity army: the way I have done it
I started with Infinity back in N3 splitting the Icestorm box with my game and blog buddy Uopo. I got the Nomads part and not digging too much the fluff and the look and feel of Corregidor and Bakunin I learned the game playing mainly vanilla. Then Tunguska sectorial was released and its all concept and background really resonated with me and my love for cyberpunk. It was love at first sight. Being quite a casual player I did not feel any lack of variety, the options available within the sectorial were enough for me.
From time to time I have been scanning the Infinity Army and the store looking at the many gorgeous models and cool profiles available across all different factions. Still, it was not enough to trigger a real interest and a purchase. Then a few things happened:
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
About shadows, tactical rocks and the end of Infinity
Hey everyone! It's been a while since my last post and despite life had effectively and pleasantly limited the amount of time I can spend with my toy soldiers I didn't sit idle and managed to paint these three caballeros from Combined Army Booster Pack Alpha.
This post is less focused on Infinity as a game, leaving further tactic considerations to the upcoming Misson Focus posts, its intention being to deepen some thoughts that roamed free in the back of my head as I painted these miniatures. So, without further adue, let's start with...
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Painting walls and fences: back to basics
"Sticks and stones may break my bones (but also protect my home, if properly assembled)".
Saturday, October 9, 2021
Gilles de Gillesville - Mordheim Questing Knight
Monday, October 4, 2021
A cynical wargamer at Pollenzo MMXXI
As mentioned in a previous post I brought my "Band of Brothers" Reikland Mercenaries warband to the "Warlords of the City" Mordheim Pollenzo MMXXI narrative event.
In this post I will tell about this amazing event from my perspective, for overall event coverage please refer to the organizers' social media channels. I encourage you to check out tables, warbands and the whole background story of the event.
So I have my warband built and painted and my background story written, I am ready to go! I packed my stuff and hit the road!
Pollenzo is actually interesting beyond Mordhiem as it is a ancient Roman archaeological site (!), you can easily find more info about on the internet (Wikipedia and the such) which I will not copy paste here. Before the event I had a walk around and took some pictures.
Game 1
In the first game I am facing a Marienburg Mercenaries warband painted with the red and green Hocland scheme and interesting use of Black Fortress models. Fully kitted heroes with dueling pistols, archers, swordsmen and the classic Elf Ranger and Ogre Bodyguard. My list is actually fairly similar, just cheaper equipment but better BS. As hired swords I opted Halfling Scout and Dwarf Troll Slayer.
The Scenario is Wyrdstone Hunt with 3 shards placed by the organizers.
At this point we are both testing for Rout but nobody wants to give it up! So the Blunderbuss markseman charges into the other Youngblood defeating him only to be then butchered by the backup swordsman and recovered Captain who picks up the wyrdstone shard for himself.
In the end damages are limited, I have to recruit a new Youngblood and hire a new halfling but I am still able to purchase a new marskman with longbow and purchase a longbow for the marksman with blunderbuss.
Game 2
In the second game I am facing the Cult of the Possessed in the Chance Encounter scenario. The table we are playing on is an amazing scratch built masterpiece. Unfortunately it turns out to be quite challenging for the low models count close combat oriented Chaos worshippers and the game ends turn two with an unlucky failed rout test.We both make good loot and level up our henchmen. I actually roll a "the lad's got talent" and a crossbowmen becomes a trigger happy hero. I am also able to hire an Ogre and buy a couple lucky charms.
Game 3
Thursday, September 30, 2021
Infinity Mission Focus: Organized Play At Home
With the end of the #OPATHOME contest issued by Corvus Belli, we can now read all the missions created by the community, which can be downloaded here.
Sadly I don't know Spanish, so I just read all the English-written missions and wrote a brief description for each one, trying to highlight what caught my interest. I didn't want to "rate" these creations full of passion, so I tried to remain objective, describing these mission with the help of pitches and commentaries written by the author themselves when available.
If you, as the author, feel like your mission has been misrepresented by this post just let me know, I'd gladly have a chat and change my point of view.
My overall feeling is that the participating community went for mission with objective rooms, civilians or a mix of the two.
The contest itself would maybe have benefited of a standard template (Author's note: my mission was among those with the worst graphics) and in hindsight I think a couple of lines pitching the mission and its objectives would have helped everyone putting their creations in frame for a casual reader.
🏰🚁 Extraction by RedeenedRyan: reach the detention facility, open the gates and bring your HVT to safety!
💼💉 Seize and Vaccinate by 1337Bolshevik: definetely a relatable mission these days. You have to reach the vaccine cache, pick up the vaccine and shot the enemy HVT with it. Docs and paramedics have, of course, a bonus.
🦾⚙️ TAG-RAID by Abydog: There's a new TAG in the middle of the table and everyone wants it! By using Total Control, either via Hacking or Console, you can pilot it to your Deployment Zone. The TAG is initially unequipped, but the 4 consoles can be used to equip it with fancy gear.
🏃♀️⏰ WITHDRAW UNDER PRESSURE by AntipodeanBolt: everyone forward deploys! You have to take the HVTs and bring them to your behind-the-deployment-zone extraction zone. Friendly HVT is easy to sync, enemy HVT is not.
💣👩🔬 EVACuation by Archon: reach the lab, evacuate civilians and deactivate the bomb. Docs and paramedics have a bonus in civilian sync while hackers and engineers have a bonus in bomb deactivation. Troopers with Journalist skill may provide 1 additional Objective Point by reaching the whereabouts of the lab.
👩🚀😱 What happened to X5R-73 by Arrgh: flee to the center of the table while a poison gas creeps from the edges, but double your first MOV value because of low gravity! Also, suffer recoil when shooting and being hit. Reminds me of snakes and ladders game, where you advance fast but may also fall fast. The recoil mechanics have a great impact on the game, pushing you forward and out of cover.
↖️🎁 Extrication by Aspect Graviton: a diagonally symmetric map where you have to unlock vaults, pick up supply boxes and have them beamed out of the map from defined positions.
👩🏭🎴 EDX_Operations by Badlazzor: this is admittedly a variant/recreation of Engineering Deck from Season 10. Connect the consoles and secure the Objective Room but both players have the oppotunity to get "final turn" points.
🤳🩺 Sampling by Bardiel: probe your enemies with a PH roll and scan them to reveal their Private Information. Also, lots of troopers get an Adhesive Launcher. You score points by probing, scanning and immobilizing your enemies.
💣👩💻 Bomb Squad by bordersen1313: defuse the bomb and pick it up, but be careful: an enemy hacker may arm it again! You also have panoplies, as in Supplies, for extra points.
🌌☄️ SkyFall by butchee86: deploy 4 panoplies on the table at the end of the first game round by rolling 4 face to face rolls. The winner of the FtF decides the crash location, which works like Combat Jump (Explosion)! You can stack bonuses for the rolls by controlling comms antennas and protecting your Flight Controller Operative.
🏰🤖 Prison escape 3.0 by Cabaray: save civilians from the armory and get the REM guard to your side by hacking a console.Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Band of Brothers Mordheim Warband
I want to share the "Band of Brothers" Reikland warband I have been working on for a while and which I am planning to play on October 3rd 2021 at the "Warlords of the City" Mordheim Narrative Event in Pollenzo.
Concealing the discomfort coming from the injuries to the left arm and the forehead, the officer walked into the office of General Roald Sulzberger and stood to attention.
"Captain Hoffman report to Sir General." he spoke in a firm voice. The general slowly raised his gaze from the papers that cluttered his desk, stared at his subordinate with arrogance, and then, slumping noisily into his chair said:
“Captain welcome, better late than never… I'm really curious to know what happened. I hope you realize that due to your delay, my girls were unable to attend the prom. The fact is really unfortunate since they cared so much. They couldn't wait to wear the new dresses I had given them!"
Rutger Hoffman stiffened his jaw but managed to stay calm.
"Sir, according to the orders received, the Company was on time at the rendez-vous with the ferry to escort Miss Sulzbergers during the last leg of their journey to the Capital. Unloading operations took much longer than expected. The quantity and the size of the luggage exceeded any reasonable expectation. It also took the ladies a few hours to freshen up and choose what clothes to wear for the trip."
The General listened absently, cleaning his fingernails with a letter opener.
"The march then proceeded slowly, punctuated by countless breaks including snacks, refreshments, card games and even a game of badminton!"
Hoffman continued.
“When we arrived in Kleindorf we were greeted with enthusiasm by the population. They thought we were the backup they had sent for. The village had been under attack by bands of Beastmen for days, and they had sent several relays for help. Needless to say, no messenger made it out of the woods around the village alive and we weren't their reinforcements. At that moment I made the decision to defend the village, without our help they would have had no escape. We fought for three days and three nights and finally managed to disperse the attackers. In this regard, I would like to point out some soldiers who have distinguished themselves in a part-"
The captain's report was abruptly interrupted by the general who, red with anger, had sprung to his feet and, banging his fat ringed hand on the desk with fury, began to yell at Hoffman:
“Captain, shut up, I've had enough! You have disobeyed specific orders and endangered the lives of my daughters who I was told they also had to take care of the wounded! I don't even want to think what horrors you exposed my little girls to!"
As Sulzerberg gasped, the Captain replied:
“Sir, the whims of your spoiled offspring had by now delayed us by more than half a day on the schedule. Continuing further, the darkness would have surprised us in the forest with far worse results. In addition, the lives of over a hundred families, including elderly and children, depended solely on us. I made the only decision I could have."
“And so you are guilty of treason and sedition! Captain, you are a deserter and an insolent! You are under arrest and suspended from command with immediate effect!”.
A heavy silence fell into the small room. Hoffman had realized he had passed the mark but could no longer bear the nonsense of his superiors, particularly that slimy and corrupt parasite of Sulzerberg. The general had not dismissed him and therefore he stood at attention waiting.
Sulzerberg, for his part, had recovered from the fit of anger and was now sitting thoughtfully rubbing his temples. Then he let out a grunt of satisfaction and, glaring at the captain, said to him:
“Captain, I could have you and your men executed today. And Sigmar knows how much I would like ... On the other hand, I cannot deny your qualities as a fighter and commander. By virtue of the latter, I want to offer you a way out. Collect what's left of your Company and go to Mordheim. Bring me a cart full of wyrdstone and you will be forgiven... And now get out of here, by tomorrow at dawn you have to be on the move!"
Captain Hoffman saluted and took the door.
Lieutenant Schott and Sergeant Major Lemberger met him as soon as they saw him.
“Gentlemen, recover the men who are still capable of fighting and let's get ready to leave. Schott, I saw that a Halfling Scout and a Dwarf Slayer are bivouacking by those campfires, ask them if they are interested in joining us for a fair pay. Let's go to Mordheim..."
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Armand de Chamillon, herald of Cups
Lionel stopped under the portal, distracted by a distant, barely audible sound. While his zombies continued in pursuit of the last Tileans of Kemperbad, who had come to seek fortune and death in the city of the Damned, the necromancer retraced his steps, leaning on the parapet that overlooked market square, as if he wanted to find that noise with his gaze. When it finally found the young man's ears, the sound had become more distinct: Lionel recognized the hunting horns that had besieged his master's tower and decided to gather the band to leave that palace as soon as possible. Climbing over the bodies of the Tileans, he ran up the stairs to the main floor, dimly lit by a waning moon that could be seen from the gutted walls. In the center of the hall, a thin figure was drinking from the jugular of an unfortunate halberdier."Genoveffa, the Hunters are approaching, we must go".The vampire dropped the body to the ground, getting closer to Lionel. Her long black hair swayed in the dark, as if weightless."My young friend, you are as well versed in the dark arts as you are unfamiliar with the traditions of our old world. Can't you distinguish the sound of a Bretonnian trumpet?"At that moment the sound returned, carried by the night breeze, as closer and clearer. It was a sweet and ringing call, evocative of noble deeds and lofty ideals, yet veiled by a shadow of sadness, as of melancholy for a golden age now past."What you hear is the trumpet of Armand de Chamillon, a Bretonnian knight. His sire sent him to Mordheim in search of his eldest daughter, with whom the young man was secretly in love. Since then, he has traveled the length and breadth of the city trying to recall her with the sound of his trumpet ".Lionel grimaced, annoyed at his mistake but visibly captured by the tale. He strained his ears to hear the sound of Armand's trumpet once more as he trotted away among the rubble buildings."Human tragedies are bizarre, I am very intrigued. I wonder if his is a vain hope or if he will ever be able to reunite with that girl and bring her back to her land"."I doubt it" replied the vampire "I don't want to go home".
Friday, September 17, 2021
Painting Infinity: Ko Dali
Thursday, September 9, 2021
Infinity Mission Focus: Biotechvore
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Picture by @InglebyJim: Blue Wolf and Yáoxiè Rui Shi make a great duo for this mission: for 2,5 SWC and 94 points you get a fast TAG killer who'll bring flamethrowers to the center in the blink of an eye and a MSV L2 hugging the antenna for the sake of its comrades. |
🧊 Albedo: since the map gets smaller and smaller, everyone with a smoke granade will show up in this mission, increasing the number of troopers with Multispectral Visor invited to the party. Since you can't really afford to waste orders throwing eclipse grandes or running white noises around, I strongly recommend bringing your albedo-covered troopers.
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Picture by Cristian Il Corinzio. The Charontid is Combined Army's breakthrough ram. This beast has a number of different profiles including a WIP 16 (!) hacker born for Classified Objectives. |
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Picture by Cristian Il Corinzio. Cheap, fishy and irregular. Helots are the perfect piece for antenna hugging. |
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Like, really big and scary lieutenants. |
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Picture by @ponty_painter. Fast, heavily armored and you're too busy fleeing from the biotechvore to dedicate one of your hackers to it. There may be TAGs like this Szalamandra in this mission: be prepared! |
Some players may risk big and go for a superior deploying list despite the negative effects of Confused deployment. To face such a threat, in case you don't have cc-oriented units to match your opponent, you should just take your time, advancing at the pace imposed by the plague. In any case, don't rush your advance but prioritize by weapon range bonuses: there's no need in reaching safety from the biotechvore if that trooper is going to be shot to pieces anyway.
Wednesday, September 1, 2021
Infinity Mission Focus: Rescue
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Picture by @ponty_painter. Tinbots can help you in various ways but the most common configuration is firewall, boosting your defences against comms attacks. Pretty useful even when you're a Mobile Brigada with BTS 3. |
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Trinitarian by Cristian Il Corinzio. For 1 SWC and 28 points you get an unhackable specialist minelayer with boarding shotgun and various layers of superior deployment: what else? |
Behaviours and tactics
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And when the bottleneck is ready, you just wait for your enemies to show up! Hidden/revealed Swiss Guard by @stefanodrei11 |
📊 Fireteams: the mission specifies that units in a fireteam cannot sync with civilians. Should that turn you away from fireteams? On the contrary! In fact I suggest having as much as you can to save movement orders. If you have one duo, one haris and one 3-model core you can dedicate one entire fireteam to 3 of the 4 civilians. Since civilians are 8" from each other, it means you'll easily reform fireteams to hold the line while you escort them to safety as long as you have enough wildcards.
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Kosmoflot troopers by @mikipaintstudio: Rokots can make an interesting, cheap and effective Rescue core fireteam with access to a set of bloodthirsty wildcards with either Superjump (Volkolak) or Climbing Plus (Cadin "Firststrike" and Wolfgang Amadeus Wolff). |
🧗♀️Climbing plus & superjump: these skills really cast a new light on maps and players unfamiliar with them may have a hard time chasing enemy troopers with rescued civilians.
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Despite all the minelaying tactics we've discussed above, I can guarantee you'll face hidden deployed snipers like this Hexa, a Knauf-based conversion made by Uopo. |
This mission is somehow similar to Capture and Protect but forces you to spend a lot of orders on movement and each time one of your trooper goes down you must carefully evaluate if spending orders to put them back up or continue with the rescue of another civilian. Therefore, I believe linked paramedics can be as incisive than a doctor with peripherals here, since all armies kinda have linkable paramedic options. This is also a mission where big linkable bots like the Vostok Sputnik or the Rudra Gunbot can shine, despite their inability to sync with civilians.
Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Infinity Mission Focus: Unmasking
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Sin-Eater by Cristian Il Corinzio. Untamed and armed to the teeth, Bakunin's Sin-Eaters can make every point count if deployed effectively. The 0 SWC, 29 points profile with Mk12 will unleash a storm of bullets over enemies too close to your HVTs at a reasonable price. |
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Táowù by Cristian Il Corinzio. The Aristeia! Mastermind not only provides you the benefits of Counterintelligence but can also lure your opponent in a deadly trap thanks to holomask and his proficiency in cc. |
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Not every army has access to cheap hidden deployers and impetuous orders so sometimes you may just follow the simple strategy of superior force. |
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There is no need to introduce the Swiss Guard and its hidden deployment profiles with heavy weapons, which fueled and keeps fueling memes edition after edition. |
🤫 The unbalanced trade: act like explained above BUT also add hidden deployed troopers watching for the "unguarded" console. Using an Hac Tao or a Swiss Guard for this task might be an overkill, so look for units like MULTI Sniper Rifle Malignos or Shock Marksman Rifle Lynx.
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Picture by @InglebyJim: Armand Le Muet is quite pricey but gives you access to a wide set of tools, making you capable of reacting to ambiguous scenarios. |