Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Operation Edgelord - Engineering Deck - 300 pts - Hassassin Bahram Vs Operation Subsection of the SSS


If you are more into video content do not miss the YouTube version of the batrep!


Human Edge
Homeric Belt
Batth'o Ubelin inc. Operative Center 


Batth'o Ubelin, estimeed silk trader, half-smuggler half-business man, well introduced into Haqqislam politics and allegedly a Hassassin Bahram undercover agent walked toward Erin O'Nealz in a middle eastern smart casual attire to greet her.
Despite her impressive track record and covering of Operation Hungry Walrus, Batth'o had always been mildly suspicious about the independent journalist. She did pass all biometric scans but in a couple of circumstances with just sufficient scores and once with a minority report. On the other hand, he liked her a lot. 

- Lady warcor, welcome to my humble abode. It is a pleasant surprise to acknowledge your arrival in the Homeric Belt. -
- I go wherever there are good stories and truth to be told. - replied the Sixth Sense News reporter with a smile. 
- I will be pleased to support you. We will be soon heading to the Averroes Hospital Compound to run some business. I will be pleased to have you part of my entourage, the Human Sphere needs to know from independent sources what the situation is really like here, beyond all propaganda. -

Batth'o had been informed Erin was closely watched by Aleph, her Comlog and cyberware most probably infested by malicious and spy software. This was the AI attempt to fool Haqqislam or escalate the conflict. Either way, they were forcing the issue.
This might even be related to what those people from Adeq Greenspaces were cooking, definitely a good opportunity to learn something new. Acquiring information about their operation was proving more challenging than expected and considering this was his primary task in the Belt, his stakeholders were starting to be impatient...

The Averroes complex was full with undercover Hassassin Barham operatives, hidden or mixed to the civilian and technical personnel. A small official security detail escorted Batth'o and Erin as they toured the complex. The distress of the Ariadnan workers was evident as also evident was the armed presence of all Hyperpowers. It clearly was the hospital of a war zone, not of an Ammonia mining facility... 

Erin didn't even have the time to target her cyberoptics toward the sudden threat as DA rifle shot put her down. 
- Removing inconvenient pawns is always a good way to start an operation. - Thought Batth'o. 
Then a metallic voice, a classic Uncle Pentium's quirk, echoed in the Haqqislamites' comlogs.
- Security data extraction in progress. Do not resist or you will be prosecuted. -        

Friday, May 3, 2024

ITS 15 The Armory - 300 pts - Tunguska Jurisdictional Command Vs Shasvastii Expeditionary Force


Velma logged into the sector's Arachne node and went through the area scan reports. The sector had been evacuated with a fake radiation alert and the Tunguska Security team had just deployed to investigate into some suspicious readings from the surveillance system. The Interventor had seen action before and she did not like the situation, nothing was clearly wrong as you would expect from common criminal activities and yet not masked in a way you would expect from human sphere super powers.
Velma kept close to her fireteam, the back up of  trusted marksmen and cold blooded hacker made her more at ease, remotes and cyber-psychopaths were for sure valuable (and expendable) assets but she would have never come to fully trust them...
Suddenly, all alarms went blipping, smoke and white noise interference appeared and few moments later she heard the doors of the safe room opening with a hiss. There were no doubts, they were under attack and once again she had to do the dirty job to protect secrets of people who would have traded her life without thinking twice if they had considered it convenient. 
Now that she thought about it, this whole operation might just be a rigged game...  

Monday, April 1, 2024

Mordheim Witch Hunters - a hobby project

Having limited hobby time, progress is slow and I think it is valuable to make the most out of it.

With this post I want to share my hobby journey to plan, assemble and paint my Witch Hunters Mordheim warband.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

PanOceania Tikbalang and Neoterra Bolts

During this summer I found the time to paint some juicy models to enrich my PanO army.

After a very long search I've finally managed to put my hands on Tikbalang model (and Uhlan too...), one of the most wanted OOP miniature of Panoceania, which is experiencing a second youth in N4 edition. If you want to read more about my Tikbalang debut on the gaming table, dont' miss Episode #8 of  "Operation Neon Tiger" narrative campaign.

Painting this model was quite challanging, due to the huge number of details if compared to the most recent TAGs which provides bigger and smoother surfaces. After defining volumes and lights with airbrush, I spent more or less nine hours to paint the details, adding some NMM parts and attempting my first "chipping". A final little effort to sculpt some green stuff around the base of the model to embed the metal base (trunk and roots) with the plastic 4omm base.

The result was definitely worth the effort! I leave you some pics to enjoy.

Talking about OOP miniatures - SWC Neoterra Bolts in this case - I've done my best to convert some spare fusiliers and one Akalis in order to bring four Bolts out of them. Some head/arm/backpack swap and the job was done!

I expected a faster painting, but the number of details and the slenderness of the female models forced me to slow down the process (approx. 3 hours per model).

 Scroll down for a group shot!

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Operation Neon Tiger - episode 08


- Commander Fashas'di, may I show you something?
The Casta Diva was preparing to leave the planet, enjoying the last rays of Varuna's sun on its hull before facing the nameless cold of interstellar void. The voice of Mentor Quish Lo'rr had a hint of apprenshion and curiosity; he opened up a holoscreen to show close up records of the artifact they had recovered on Hlökk Station. Nanobots swirled and curled under the watchful eyes of the two Shasvastii.

- Interesting. A minor signal, what is your opinion; Quish Lo'rr?

Over time, Fashas'di had bonded with his crew. They executed his orders fast and efficientely. He trusted the Mentor and, he hoped, the feeling was mutual.

-It could be eggs, embryios, maybe a wounded creature. We still don't know much about the Neon Tiger. Much are deductions based on the Steindrage, a creature we believe shares common ancestors with it. The signal is low and we don't know as much as we would like about these artifacts either: the source could also be shielded.

Fashas'di nodded, anxious.

- What about its whereabouts? Have you triangulated this new position?

Quish opened a new screen, showing an imposing construction towering above a marine harbour.

- Fortress-monastery of Zamek. A military Order complex here on Varuna. Our intelligence suggests it is also used as a detention facility for our comrades captured in Cameliard; an high security location.

Being a commander was no easy task. Fashas'di felt this was what made him bond with the crew: it wasn't something he did, but something they understood. Regardless of his acquaintances and his reccomendations, he was still the one taking the shots for the glory or the disgrace of Shasvastii. There was no shortcut that would have helped him in making the right choice: it was up to him. Mentor Quish Lo'rr remained silent, waiting for Fashas'di orders.

- Transfer the main location coordinates to our closest cruiser, they will find the Neon Tiger. We'll storm Zamek with a biotech bomb and infiltrate.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Operation Neon Tiger - episode 07


Fashas'di stepped outside, under the hot rays of Varuna's sun. The beach was warm, inviting. "How fascinating - he thought - we and the humans have the same idea of paradise." An artificial reef isolated the Trillionaire Varuna Beach Resort from the depths of the planet's oceans, while lush vegetation imported from Concilium and Paradiso surrounded the buildings. Apparently, the plant selection was dictated by the original patron of the Resort himself: Batth'o Ubelin

Shasvastii intelligence had advised Fashas'di that the resort wouldn't be heavily guarded, making it the perfect stop for the Casta Diva to refuel and prepare for the long journey following the xeno archeotech's indications. What the intel didn't know was that a Tunguska intervention team had been sent in advance to welcome the Casta Diva and its occupants: it was a bold move to make such an intrusion on PanOceanian soil but, after what had happened to Módulo Satélite, Philomena was ready to cross any line to repel the aliens. 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

The ballad of Ba Fashas, a Durgama Takeover story


The Phase Two of Durgama Takeover is still raging but, unfortunately, I won't be able to play in the upcoming days. Therefore, this campaign ends now for me but I can't say it's really over until I stitch together the story I told thorugh my reports and I get to describe how much of a positive experience it has been for me, so here I am.

To be part of an active community playing and telling stories about a shared universe is a privilged experience which I could not have experienced this time, due to seasonal issues, without the help of TTS (TableTop Simulator) and the wonderful addons provided by the online Infinity Community, especially THE main mod, 3D Infinity miniatures project and Badlazzor's Infinity Maps.

I got to play three games: two with Lockdownit_, a great player & fun guy who also recorded one of said matches on Twitch, and one with butchee, my "everyday" opponent.

As the title suggests, I also spent a lot of time telling the story of my Commander - tying togheter the three games. Here, you can read the whole thing with links to my battle reports.