Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Operation Edgelord - Engineering Deck - 300 pts - Hassassin Bahram Vs Operation Subsection of the SSS


If you are more into video content do not miss the YouTube version of the batrep!


Human Edge
Homeric Belt
Batth'o Ubelin inc. Operative Center 


Batth'o Ubelin, estimeed silk trader, half-smuggler half-business man, well introduced into Haqqislam politics and allegedly a Hassassin Bahram undercover agent walked toward Erin O'Nealz in a middle eastern smart casual attire to greet her.
Despite her impressive track record and covering of Operation Hungry Walrus, Batth'o had always been mildly suspicious about the independent journalist. She did pass all biometric scans but in a couple of circumstances with just sufficient scores and once with a minority report. On the other hand, he liked her a lot. 

- Lady warcor, welcome to my humble abode. It is a pleasant surprise to acknowledge your arrival in the Homeric Belt. -
- I go wherever there are good stories and truth to be told. - replied the Sixth Sense News reporter with a smile. 
- I will be pleased to support you. We will be soon heading to the Averroes Hospital Compound to run some business. I will be pleased to have you part of my entourage, the Human Sphere needs to know from independent sources what the situation is really like here, beyond all propaganda. -

Batth'o had been informed Erin was closely watched by Aleph, her Comlog and cyberware most probably infested by malicious and spy software. This was the AI attempt to fool Haqqislam or escalate the conflict. Either way, they were forcing the issue.
This might even be related to what those people from Adeq Greenspaces were cooking, definitely a good opportunity to learn something new. Acquiring information about their operation was proving more challenging than expected and considering this was his primary task in the Belt, his stakeholders were starting to be impatient...

The Averroes complex was full with undercover Hassassin Barham operatives, hidden or mixed to the civilian and technical personnel. A small official security detail escorted Batth'o and Erin as they toured the complex. The distress of the Ariadnan workers was evident as also evident was the armed presence of all Hyperpowers. It clearly was the hospital of a war zone, not of an Ammonia mining facility... 

Erin didn't even have the time to target her cyberoptics toward the sudden threat as DA rifle shot put her down. 
- Removing inconvenient pawns is always a good way to start an operation. - Thought Batth'o. 
Then a metallic voice, a classic Uncle Pentium's quirk, echoed in the Haqqislamites' comlogs.
- Security data extraction in progress. Do not resist or you will be prosecuted. -        


πŸ‘³ Hassassin Bahram

The list includes:
  • Asawira AP SF + Yara + Ghulam NCO GL + Ghulam doc + Barid KHD core fireteam
    Asawira is intended to be the Trusted Operative and this fireteam has the task of getting into the room. 
  • McMurrogh
    Just being the murder hobo he is, ideally clearing the room before the core team gets in or remove some hard to get ARO piece.
  • Sunduqbut w/ neurocinetics
    Slow down the oppo as they will be forced to advance into the room. 
  • Engineer
    Fix the Sunduqbut and be there as an additional specialist.
  • Ghulam Lt
    Extra command token.
  • Fiday
    Be annoying (and in this campaign Haqqislam has a secret objective that requires Fiday's skills).
  • Ayyar
    Because I like him πŸ˜„ and holomask as a Ghulam to be a sort of  Lt decoy.
  • Daylami and warcor
    Classic cheap ARO pieces.

πŸ€– Operation Subsection of the SSS

The list includes:
  • Dakini MSR + Dakini Paramedic + Missile Bot + Deva Lt + Danavas HD+ core fireteam 
    Long range firepower and some utility.
  • Trisha + Dawon + Dawon haris fireteam
    Anti fireteam template ARO duty and resilient close combat option. Trisha is notoriously sub-optimal but wanted to try her out.
  • Andromeda, Proxy Mk.2 and Mk.5
    Infiltration and mobile specialists, good for attrition to oppo advance as well as good for the mission. Proxy Mk.2 hacker is not an auto-include pick but in this mission wanted to give it a go.
  • Satrah 
    Midfield anti MSV/Camo trooper. Selected to be the Trusted Operative.
  • HMG TR bot
    More attrition to oppo advance, if buffed can also be effective active turn gunfighter.
  • Probot and Netrod
    Buff the many REMs in the list and contribute to the order pool.

Mission and Deployment

OSSSS win the initiative and elect to go first. Hassassin Bahram then opt to deploy second.
A command token is spent to keep two troopers in reserve (Andromeda and the Posthumans), the core team deploys on the right side, all are prone to negate multiple ARO options. The Satrah joins them on the right. Trisha and the Dawons as well as the TR bot deploy in the middle, with options to go either way depending how the action will develop. The Probot and the Netrod (which failed the combat jump roll) guard the rear.

Hassassin respond with the core team on the right thanks to Yara's  strategic deployment, most of troopers in total cover. McMurrogh in the center a little behind to guard the rear and have some options for its impetuous order. Two Daylami infiltrate on rooftops on the right while the Sunduqbut and its decoy go on the left pretending to be Daylamis as well. Engineer in the rear left backing up the Sunduqbut. Warcor on a catwalk on the left and a loonely Ghulam on a rooftop in the middle.

After some thoughtful analysis Andromeda goes to the right, the Mk.2 to the left on a rooftop close to midfield and the Mk.5 stands nearby a console.

Last Haqqislam drop is the Ayyar next to the console, pretending to be a Ghulam 😳.  

πŸ€– Operation Subsection of the SSS - Turn 1

Haqqislam spend a Command Token to remove two orders from combat group 1.

The Dakini MSR stands up ready to fight but only the Warcor declares ARO. She is unfortunately turned into red mist. The the Dakini continues, first successfully discovers a decoy camo token and then fails to discover the real Sunduqbut πŸ˜…. It is then up to Andromeda to deal with the camo threat, she peaks out of cover and this time the box of pain reveals. Mods are pretty bad due to mimetism, cover and range. We debate a little if -6 or -9 should be applied then we roll the dice and Haqq scores both a 4 AND a 7! It was meant to be a critical hit regardless...🀯 Andromeda suffers a single wound ang goes NWI. 

Back to the Dakini MSR and this time the remote puts the Sunduqbut to second level unconscious. 

It definitely took some orders but now the path to the room is free. The Satrah uses all orders in combat group 2 plus O-12 prestige to connect the central console. Unfortunately there are no more orders to stand up the TR bot! (Might have been possible with some coordinated orders).

With last orders the Proxy Mk.5 removes one level of impersonation from the Fiday and connects the console on the left. The ML bot stands up for ARO duty.  

πŸ‘³ Hassassin Bahram - Turn 1

McMurrogh advances impetuous but fails to drop smoke. It is then up to the Ghulam NCO to cover the advance of its fireteam. 

With smoke down the team advances toward the room but the Asawira is forced to sneak in ZoC of the Proxy Mk.2 that tries to oblivion her 😱. Decision is made to move with the second short skill so to get out from hacking zone and tank the hacking attack. BTS 9 protects even rolling a 12, this could have really messed up the Hassassin attack plan!
In reality Asawira has stealth and shouldn't have triggered AROs out of LoS! However, it was a cool cinematic moment and we are glad we played it that way. Also my bad for not remembering the rules 😁
Next order the Barid is in charge and melts the Proxy's neuralink.

The Asawira proceeds then to put the Satrah unconscious, kill Andromeda, kill the ML bot and connect the central console. The fireteam reshuffles in a more defendable position while the Barid was left behind, exiting the fireteam to connect the console on the right.

The Fiday tries to trade in style and reveals to place one template on the Mk.5 and one on Dawon and Trisha. The assassin goes down bringing only Trisha with him, who decides to go unconscious instead of dogged. A Daylami walks down the rooftop to get a little closer to the action. Last order and the Engineer brings back the Sunduqbut with his gizmokit.

πŸ€– Operation Subsection of the SSS - Turn 2

The Sunduqbut is not so lucky again and the Dakini MSR puts it back to unconscious state. Then the priority target becomes Yara as she is guarding some key access routes. She is quite hot on the trigger and prevails on both the assisted fire Dakini MSR and the TR HMG bot 🀯 definitely an overperformance (i.e., some lucky crits).

In order to bring back the REMs an engineer would be of use, but Trisha is down! More fireteam maneuvers bring the Dakini paramedic in LoS of the character (being the Deva Number 2 prevented the fireteam to break). The remote misses (rolling 19 and 20)! Never trust reconditioned products...

Horders left are not many and the mission needs to be accomplished so the attention turns to the Danavas. Damn it, she has a HD+ and pitchers! Could have been a good counter to Yara... good to remind for next time!
The Danavas connects the console closer to her and then shoots two pitchers in the room, then isolates the Asawira.

πŸ‘³ Hassassin Bahram - Turn 2

Situation is under control and still plenty of orders are available. Asawira tries to reset but is immobilized instead (getting tired here, would have been better to kill the Danavas first..).
McMurrogh advances toward the Danavas but fails to wound her. Then the Ayyar reveals to connect the console closer to him and then advances in pistol range of the Danavas who spotlights him in the process (secret objective scored πŸ₯³). In the following firefight he is defeated and loses a wound. It is the McMurrogh who has to butcher the hacker in close combat and allows the Ayyar to connect a 4th console.

On the other side the the Dylami steps into the room and successfully rolls a WIP check on the unconscious Satrah (secret objective scored πŸ₯³). The Barid uses O-12 prestige to activate cybermask.   

πŸ€– Operation Subsection of the SSS - Turn 3

Not much left to do at this point. 
The Mk.5 rushes for the console on the opponent side of the table and connects it, removing Yara in the process. Without Yara and with the Asawira immobilized the Probot goes on an adventure and manages to step into the room.

πŸ‘³ Hassassin Bahram - Turn 3

McMurrogh goes back into the room and tears to pieces the Probot.

The Barid walks to the last console in impersonation state and connects it. 

The Asawira fails to reset and the engineer is too far away, the Trusted Operative does not control the room... 

The game ends 9-4 for Hassassin Bahram! (10 - 5 factoring in the Edgelord Campaign secret objectives).  


πŸ€– Operation Subsection of the SSS 

For once I am pretty pleased with how I've deployed and how my turn 1 played out. 
Sadly, I completely lost my focus during turn two when I couldn't win a face-to-face and I was not  cool enough to step back and consider all my alternatives. 
Not leveraging on my HD+ white noise to mute Yara and focus on the rest of the fireteam was a big mistake. 
I also mismanaged order efficiency, probably due to the fact that I'm not used to use two combat groups in OSS. 
All in all, as every game, this was a great learning experience. The more you play, the better you know how to handle situations in which things don't go your way again and again.

πŸ‘³ Hassassin Bahram 

It all worked out nicely enough.
I was for sure very lucky in ARO but the major oversight was to forget the Asawira has stelath and concede a free oblivion ARO. Good thing I tanked it but that could have been a game changer.
The list worked ok overall, pretty much how I had planned it. I am glad I brought the Sunduqbut, the first version had the Bokhtar parachutist NCO instead but it was too light on ARO and I also wanted to bring the Ayyar..
The mission is really order intense and I do not like too much the fact that consoles are connected with entire orders and without rolling dice. I prefer some more randomness in my games πŸ˜€


Human Edge
Homeric Belt
ALEPH Deep Space Observation Station "Eye of Hipparchus" 


Buried down in the depth of the station, Uncle Pentium's cylindrical tank bubbled softly and rhythmically, like a lava pool.
But its consciousness was elsewhere: spread over the river of data coming from Maya, it had just stopped, closely following the extraction mission at Averroes Hospital Campus. In the past handful of minutes, he had seen its troopers' parameters zeroing one after another.
"They knew we were coming" was its reasoning.
He evaluated the mission's outcome: it was a clear defeat, but despite major losses the OSSSS had managed to access data from several consoles and to bypass the enemy's firewall, gathering essential intel and adding new backdoor accesses to its enemies' assets.
"But it's not enough" was the obvious, consequent thought.
Operation Edgelord had started with the wrong foot, it had to acknowledge it. However, the erratic movements of the three planets invited Uncle Pentium to contemplate the inevitability of change: there was still a long way to go before it would consider itself defeated.

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